Saturday, May 12, 2012

Great Expectations

The wheel of life they say has to perennially move forward, or so we are known to believe. Be it the symbolic charkha of the Mahatma or the Ashoka Chakra on the flag, moving ahead in the quest for achieving prosperity and peace has always been the pursuit of man. What differs is the one thing in each person's life that qualifies as his/her ultimate gateway into their zone of contentment and bliss.

It has always been creative and intellectual satisfaction that has kept me at peace. It is when I look back into my childhood and what kept me happy as a child that I stumble upon this proposition. And then I look into my life now and get convinced of the truth in it. It is indeed amazing the way that people tend to find satisfaction in things they do rather than doing things that satify them. Their attemps at moulding their conscience to believe in the lie are all the more perplexing. Is that all it takes to tame the strongest mind on the planet? Maybe the sentiment of being content is only superficial, sheilding the true restless soul within. Or does the person truly change over years of suppressing the yearning to break away? The human spirit fails either ways. It is sad, for scores of creative geniuses are buried away and lost in the quest for material achievement. Society and family help no less.

The bad news is that there is no hope for the good boy. Be a rebel and you might find happiness.

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